We received Order ID: 701-4163259-6423466 on Sunday, November 24, 2024, which was shipped via Amazon Integrated Carrier GLS Canada with Tracking ID P43863971. On November 28, 2024, GLS Canada updated the tracking status and provided a new tracking ID, GF5194276, which was shared with both the seller(us) and the customer. We also communicated this update to the customer via Buyer-Seller messages before the promised delivery time frame. Thereafter, the customer was satisfied and did not reached out back to us for any query.
However, on December 2, 2024, after receiving the order on the very same day, the customer filed an A-to-Z claim. To this, the claim team granted it in the favour of the customer by giving the following reason "In this case, the customer claimed an issue with the delivery and the tracking information you provided shows that the package was lost. You may be able to recover the value of any lost items by filing a claim with the carrier." Thereafter we provided the tracking screenshot of the updated tracking ID GF5194276 to the A-to-Z claim team, but our claim was unfortunately denied.
We followed all procedures, ensured timely updates, and successfully delivered the order. We kindly request that you reinvestigate the claim, as we have lost the product and an ODR is being counted against our account.
Thank you for your attention to this matter, and we look forward to your assistance.