My account is being attacked by unauthorized amazon sellers. As I am in the process of joining brand registry, and my trademarks are pending with the canadian government, my listings are being stolen by unauthorized amazon sellers. I am the sole manufacturer of my products, and the only authorized seller. They are stealing my products including the title, images, descriptions and hard earned reviews, and lowering their price to win the buy box. They put 1 item left in stock to trick my customers into buying the lower price. I keep putting through infringement claims but since my products are fully registered, I cannot sign up for amazon transparency and these sellers keep coming back every day stealing my listings. The only document I am able to put through to protect myself is the 'another seller is trying to harm my business' which works some of the time, but the sellers just come back with a new account to steal my listings. I am afraid my customers will buy the cheaper product, and I have no idea what these scammers are going to send my customer, that is if they send anything. If this happens it will reflect badly on my listings that I have worked so hard to build. I keep reaching out to amazon support but theres nothing anybody has been able to do to help me. Please let me know if anyone has advice as to how I can take care of this situation once and for all. It is extremely exhausting having to check my products constantly to see if they have been stolen, and start submitting every document I possibly can to have them removed temporarily, just for them to come back with a new account. PLEASE HELP. I am desperate at this point.